FEBRUARY 28, 2005


Attendance: Marcia Liebman, James Glaser, Bob Levin, Shirley Schofield, Jeanette Keathing, Reese Schroeder, Craig Edwards, Joel Tran, Marilyn Kahn, Melissa Mills, David Gordon, Jim Goldsmith


The meeting was called to order at 7:50 P.M. by Jim Goldsmith.


Jim Goldsmith suggested the following format for next weeks meeting:
     Format: David Gordon
     Introduction by Jim Goldsmith
     History by Michael Baskin
     Off site presentation/ Financial feasibility by David DePree
     Bob Levin to address “Why Now”


The minutes of February 7th and February 14th meetings were approved.


Jim Goldsmith gave an overview of “pictoral summary” from 2/14 meeting.


Joel Tran expressed concerns with the format and suggested not splitting into 4 sub groups.  Craig Edwards suggested 4 or 5 areas of discussion; limited to time frames.


Any resident must state name, address and will be limited to 2 minutes.


Jim Goldsmith nominated David Gordon to be Moderator.  David Gordon accepted.


David Gordon suggested it is important to get as much input from the town, including septic issues surrounding the town center and it’s affect on the Wilber SchoolJoel Tran suggested that Peter OCaine should attend the meeting to make the town feel comfortable that the site can handle all Septic, Title 5 issues. The sub Groups will be as follows: Septic, Title 5 will be handled by Peter OCaine and Historical Issues will be handled by Reese Schroeder.


Jim Goldsmith suggested we should discuss the uses we have already addressed (municipal, commercial, residential).  Joel Tran expressed concerns that this would be redundant in that David DePree should have addressed these issues under financial feasibility. After some discussion, Joel Tran volunteered to discuss various uses including affordable housing , Municipal uses, Residential and Commercial uses, etc.  David Gordon suggested that zoning constraints should be addressed under this sub-group.  Joel will also address this issue.


David DePree will speak about Ownership v. Sale, which should not fall under financial feasibility category solely. 


Michael Baskin was nominated by Joel Tran to address removal of Hazardous Waste issues (cost, etc.)


Jim Goldsmith suggested we make it clear that our committee does not have ultimate decision making power over the property.  Bob Levin suggested that we must make it clear that the Wilber School must be redeveloped now.  We need to get the abutters to work with us to push this project forward.


Joel Tran suggested we should have a sign in sheet.  Craig Edwards will take care of this.


Reese Schroeder will write bullet point issues on white board.


Jim Goldsmith concluded the meeting at 9:20 p.m. and Reese Schroeder moved to adjourn.  The motion carried.


       Respectfully submitted,
        Jim Glaser